Tuesday, August 17, 2021

GE Window AC unit model AEL06LPL1 condensation pan drain hole location

 The GE Window AC unit model AEL06LPL1 has no proper drain hole to drain condensation from the unit. Instead it has a drain from the indoor section under the evaporator to the outside section under the condenser fan.  What's supposed to happen is that you mount the unit such that it's slightly higher on the inside, so condensation drips down the evaporator, then runs outside and into the "sling pan" under the condenser fan and gets slung into the condenser.

If this hole gets plugged from dust or dirt or whatever, water builds up in the inside section under the evaporator and starts dripping into the house.  Major pain.

I fixed this by taking off six sheet-metal screws on the outside section, prying the cover wide on left side as you're looking at it from the outside section, and using a long piece of #8 allthread, poking the drain passage until it started draining.  

It would have been really nice of the designers at GE to put an access port in the inside section of the unit to allow something to be poked through this drain passage.  But they did not.

I've gotten a lot of years out of this window unit, and it's operated great, energy efficient and good little cooler.  This is honestly the first trouble I've had with it.  Fortunately the water inside didn't ruin much.  Just some old magazines and a small section of drywall.  Frustrating though. 

1 comment:

Chris Mahar said...

I haven't done any cable management yet, so don't hate on my disorderly cables.