Friday, February 22, 2019

Worst Customer Service Experience from Costco buying a refrigerator

This review was "moderated" by Costco, which means they refused to put my review on their website.

So I'm publishing it here.

Fridge arrived dented, did not make ice, the water stopped working after a day, major hassles getting a refund. 

Long version: Costco Shipped on 02/12/2019, Delivery Date:02/14/2019. They arrived at the house at about 1:30, which was in the noon-4PM window they said. They were on time. From there, things went downhill. 

Guys comes to deliver the fridge from Costco. They starts to disconnect the water line, and water spills out onto the floor. Delivery guy tells my wife that the valve isn’t holding, and says he may not be able to connect the new fridge, suggests setting it in the living room & not taking away the old fridge. He calls his boss to ask what to do. Meanwhile, Pearl looks at the valve and sees that it’s open. It’s a quarter-turn ball valve. She shuts it. HEY! Look! No more water leaking. Fine. So they install the new fridge. They tell her this is their 13th delivery today and they have five more to go. 

Oh look, there's a dent in the new fridge in a visible place. Fairly significant dent. 

I get on Costco Customer Service Chat online. They offer me $100 to keep the scratch-n-dent fridge. I say not enough, ship me a new one. 

They tell me in order to get a new one processed you would need to contact GE directly and get it processed through them as they do internal exchanges and require to set up delivery and pick up the same day with you. So I call GE. 

Called once 2:10pm 2/14/2019 – System hung up on me 

Called again 2:12 got a robot run-around then they hung up on me again 

Called again 2:14 PM, please hold for the next available agent, Trisa (Home Delivery Support) answered, said she needed to check on this unit to see if it’s available and asked me to hold (I just bought the bloody thing, you’d think it would be available). Came back on after a short time, said it is available (whoopee), and offered deliver on 2-21-2019. I said yes. She put me on hold for several minutes again to get that set up for us. She gave me return authorization number and said it would be delivered on 2-21-2019. 

That's A WEEK! 

15 hours after the new fridge is plugged in, it’s still not making ice, and it’s barely cold in the fridge section. The freezer section works. My daughter’s wedding is in a week, and we’ll have guests in the house starting a few days from now so now my wife wants me to postpone delivery of the new, hopefully undented fridge until March. I dread calling GE again and going through their idiotic robot system. 

Already overall this is the lamest experience I’ve had with Costco service. 

12:50 PM 2-15-2019: got on Costco Customer Support online chat, with LaQuita T: She could not help me at all, referred me to Costco Tech Support 1-866-861-0450. 

1:05PM 2-15-2019: Called Costco Tech Support, was on hold for 5+ minutes, then talked with Maria, she generated Case #. 

She Called GE. GE put her on hold. Maria made a Case # but could not help so transferred me to to process a refund. 

Talked with Lee from – he generated Service Request And said we would get a call within 5 to 7 days from the company to pick up the old fridge, and then I would get a refund. 

A week later a truck shows up with ANOTHER NEW FRICKING FRIDGE. When my wife says no, the driver marks “refused delivery” on the paper. He hauls away the broke fridge at her request. 

I get on the phone again to make sure the refund will be processed correctly. Called 1-800-955-2292 spoke with Crystal at 2/21/2019 10:10AM, told her the tech who came today put on the paper that we refused delivery. Pearl told him that we did NOT refuse delivery, we asked for a refund not a replacement. The tech did indeed haul away the fridge Costco sent us. Crystal told me old (new) fridge was supposed to be picked up by “large freight” – then the refund would be processed She goes off line to connect with GE Appliance, I’m on hold for a long time. She’s online with GE appliance department – she will contact delivery driver to see why they brought out a new fridge. I’m back on hold waiting for that answer. Long hold. Crystal told me she had straightened it out and that yes, they did try to deliver a new fridge because one had been requested, but that they would process the refund within 3-5 days. Call ended 10:28 AM.