Friday, November 15, 2013

Things Leftists Believe Conservatives Are Against

Here's a list of things that leftists believe about conservatives:

We're against entitlements.
We're against the minimum wage.
We're against the teaching of evolution as a fact in schools.
We're against the Headstart program.
We're against cutting carbon to stop global warming.
We're against education.
We're against science.
We're against children eating.
We're against gays.
We're against equal pay for women.
We're against veteran's care.
We're against the United Nations.
We're against the separation of church and state.
We're against everyone having medical care.
We're against voter's rights.
We're against people marrying who they love.
We're against food that's free from genetic modification.
We're against a woman's right to choose whether to keep or abort her baby.
We're against civil rights.

Some of these things we actually are against, some not.  Mostly we just don't want to pay for your oft'failed socialist ideas.  

They're your stupid, bleeding-heart programs.  If you can get them into law, then it's up to you to make them work.  Without our money or our consent.

1 comment:

Rich M said...

Where would a liberal EVER get the idea conservatives are against any of these things much less one of them?