Here's a list of things that leftists believe about conservatives:
We're against entitlements.
We're against the minimum wage.
We're against the teaching of evolution as a fact in schools.
We're against the Headstart program.
We're against cutting carbon to stop global warming.
We're against education.
We're against science.
We're against children eating.
We're against gays.
We're against equal pay for women.
We're against veteran's care.
We're against the United Nations.
We're against the separation of church and state.
We're against everyone having medical care.
We're against voter's rights.
We're against people marrying who they love.
We're against food that's free from genetic modification.
We're against a woman's right to choose whether to keep or abort her baby.
We're against civil rights.
Some of these things we actually are against, some not. Mostly we just don't want to pay for your oft'failed socialist ideas.
They're your stupid, bleeding-heart programs. If you can get them into law, then it's up to you to make them work. Without our money or our consent.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
How I Turned My Tablet Into An IP Camera
I realized that a tablet computer with a built in camera has all the same gear as an IP camera, and more. I have a Motorola XOOM tablet that I wasn’t planning to bring on the trip. So I started playing with apps.
I tried several, finally ending up on SECuRET SpyCam. It costs $4.49 in the Google Play store. I settled on this software because it did not lock up the laptop, the menu options were easy to navigate through and the demo actually worked.
Another important thing that drew me to this app is that it uploads to Dropbox, which I could check with my laptop and no special software. I set it up using the back camera, set the XOOM on the OEM Motorola charging stand and got it plugged in, arranged it on top of my desk facing the kitchen and family room, and pressed ‘Start’.
The angle of this stand pointed the camera down, so I needed it up high. However any stand would work, or just prop the tablet up against something. I hid it with a piece of paper, making sure to leave the camera lens uncovered. If a burglar broke in he would be unlikely to see it.
We have a dog, two cats, three kids and a busy house. It started triggering immediately and uploading 30 second videos to a folder on my dropbox account.
We have a dog, two cats, three kids and a busy house. It started triggering immediately and uploading 30 second videos to a folder on my dropbox account.
After we delivered the menagerie to friends & relatives to care for while we were gone, and just before we left the house, I sat down at my desktop computer and deleted all the junk videos. It caught 3 videos of us leaving the house. That's daughter #2 playing piano in the background, waiting for us to get ready to leave. Then the camera recorded nothing for several days.
On vacation, after we’d checked into the hotel and relaxed a bit, I would point my laptop browser to my dropbox account and check the folder. For days there was nothing but those three files of us leaving the house. Then there was a windy day and the moving light through the windows triggered the motion capture. I was able to see a 30 second video taken only a few hours ago, and know that the camera was working, uploading and that no one was in my house.
For the three weeks, there were about a dozen such videos, where the light from the windows changed enough to trigger the capture. In each, I could tell no one was in my house.
The quality of the video was very good, and each 30 second video was about 23 MB. This means that in a free Dropbox account (2 GB) you’ll only be able to store less than 90 videos. That’s 45 minutes worth of video. Files are date and time stamped, so it is clear when things happened.
If someone was in your house, you would easily be able to identify his face. The video was that good. And those tablet cameras are amazingly good at seeing in the dark. Also, you could forward a copy of the video file to the police, and upload it directly to Youtube.
Features I’d like to see would be some sort of heartbeat, or timer in the software to allow me to trigger the system, say once each day or once each 12 hours. This would assure me it was working. Also there is no feature in the software to erase files off Dropbox; no first-in-first-out feature. I’d like that. Also the file format of the videos is .3gp. My laptop had no problem with this, but an Apple device I tried to use didn't like that flavor.
Here is a sample video from the system.
A very important point is that I turned off app-upgrades in the google play store. This way no apps would upgrade, causing the tablet to restart. I also shut down all the apps I could, so the camera app was the only one running.
For $4.49 and a little experimenting, I bought a lot of peace of mind.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Things Liberals Hate; a quick list of key words that un-hinge leftists
For your convenience, I've assembled a quick list of things that unhinge leftists. Some take thought, others will cause your buddy, the liberal to convulse merely be mentioning the word or name. 'Sarah Palin' is good for this. Casually injecting her name into the conversation will cause progressive-tards to spew hate-filled vile. It's good for a laugh.
Things leftists hate
- Christians
- Non-union jobs
- Failure of Newsweek
- The WSJ
- Un-taxed Internet sales
- White bread
- People who ask, 'Hope for what? Change to what?'
- America as the world’s only superpower
- Term limits
- Both paper AND plastic
- Young energetic Conservatives
- Falling newspaper subscriptions
- MSNBC’s poor ratings
- Red states
- Gerrymandering
- UniteRed
- Benghazi
- Undercover Acorn Pimps
- Bestselling Conservative Books
- Small Business Owners
- People not on govt. assistance
- Nuclear weapons
- Closed borders
- Religious Charities
- Border Fence
- Racial Wealth Gap
- Cutting govt. spending
- Tax cuts
- Illegal Immigrant Sweeps
- Sherriff Joe
- Gov. Brewer
- ‘Mission Accomplished’
- disparate outcomes
- Rupert Murdoch
- Fox News
- Michelle Bachman, all GOP women
- ‘Under God’ in the pledge
- Pitt bulls
- Google Glass
- Locally controlled schools
- Assault Weapons
- Informed votes
- Pharmacists who refuse to sell Plan B
- Politically insensitive speech (this list being an example)
- Guantanamo Bay
- Waterboarding
- Right to Work
- Conservatives owning newspapers
- Paying for your own medical care
- Gas Guzzling SUV
- Strong Military
- Kids bringing cupcakes to school
- Talk Radio
- Steak Houses
- Successful people
- Black Republican
- Homeschooling
- Salt on food
- Kids running lemonade stands
- Constitutional Originalism
- McDonald’s Big Mac
- The Koch Brothers
- Flag Lapel Pins
- Wal-Mart
- The Boy Scouts
- Happily Married Mothers
- Non-Islamic Religions
- Trans-fatty foods
- Toilets that flush >1.6 gallons
- V-8 engines
- Apple Pie
- All volunteer military
- Capital Punishment
- Flat Tax
- Displaying the 10 Commandments
- 44 Oz Sodas
- Bacon
- Calling terrorists ‘Jihadis’
- Wishing someone Merry Christmas
- The mere existence of wealthy people
- Traditional Marriage
- Over-funded retirement accounts
- Gibson Guitars
- The ‘I’m Proud to be an American’ song
- Non-union Twinkies
- Defunding NPR
- 100 watt light bulbs
- The Confederate Flag
- The Debt Limit
- Patriotism
- Corporate money in elections
- Nuclear Power
- Sarah Palin
- Voter ID
- The Second Amendment
- Fracking
- American ‘Imperialism’
- Islamophobia
- Bottled water
- Toy guns
- Plastic grocery bags
- Goldfish as pets
- Horse drawn carriages in NYC
- Barbie dolls
- Crosshair symbols
- The Pledge of Allegiance
- The word "Welfare"
If you find this list helpful, let me know. It has many uses. For example, in April 2013 a group of leftist congressmen published a 'Resolution' that, in part, claimed Global Warming forces women into prostitution. I mocked this on Twitter by taking each item on this list and tweeting that it force women into prostitution. For example: 100 Watt Light Bulbs force women into prostitution.
See? Good clean snarky fun.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Clues That The Bitcoin Phenomenon Is A Giant Scam
1. They don’t exist. OK, granted, most of what we consider ‘money’ doesn’t exist in the real world. It resides on computers. But I can, if I wish, hold a $100 bill in my hand. Ever held a bitcoin? It sounds like you should be able to, but you can’t.
2. Only 21,000,000 of them will ever exist. We promise. Cross our hearts. And how will this be controlled when no laws govern Bitcoins?
3. No backing. No ‘full faith and credit’ of anything. Bitcoins are created by whose authority?
4. Skyrocketing value. Looks like a bubble to me.
5. Anonymous money – untraceable – perfect for drugs & arms runners, money laundering, and avoiding taxes. Governments are going to allow this for how long?
6. Bitcoins are billed as an alternative to traditional banks. Traditional banks may not like there being an alternative.
Whatever the heck a Bitcoin is, I’m pretty sure I don’t want one.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Home Made & DIY All Sky Camera ideas
I would like to put up an all sky camera, to monitor and record meteors, fireballs and any other naked-eye visible phenomenon.
But I am the classic penny pinching astronomer. The cheapest low-end all sky cameras I found online cost $400, and the high end is more than $2000. Some still require additional components to connect to a computer. So I’m looking for a way to do all sky observing on the cheap.
The obvious criteria would include:
- Low cost (Astronomy penny pincher, duh)
- A view from horizon to horizon, or nearly so. Let’s say 160 degrees minimum view.
- Weatherproof, sturdy enough to leave outside all the time
- Easy to construct – common components
- Good light sensitivity – hopefully to view to magnitude 5 or 6
One popular trick long used has been to point the camera down onto a a convex mirror, or a polished chrome hubcap to get a fisheye view of the sky, horizon to horizon in all directions, or nearly so. This would certainly work, though it strikes me that you’d have to keep the mirror or hubcap clean, taking windex to it every few days at a minimum. I was hoping for a direct sky view, perhaps through an acrylic dome or a lens that can be exposed to the sky, to the sun and left out all the time.
My first thought was to use a webcam. Advantages are that they're cheap, and plug directly into a USB port with no additional interfaces required. If I were to use a CCTV camera, I’d have to convert the analog video signal from the camera to some sort of storable, analyzable digital signal. This is done with a video capture card for your computer, or a USB dongle that turns the analog video into digital signals the computer can record and analyze. They’re cheap enough, so this is certainly a viable option, not off the table.
Some web searches turned up, of course, some really cool stuff. There are networks of all sky cameras ( and plenty of networked live and recorded cameras. NASA has a network at ( ). All it takes to participate is about $700 in equipment, plus a dedicated computer with two external hard drives. On the plus side, their software is free, and they’re doing some amazing science with this low end stuff.
There are also a few websites where helpful fellow amateur astronomers have posted instructions for how they built their all sky cameras. For example, Chris Peterson’s Cloudbait Observatory site, ( or Michael Morris’ very workable DIY effort (,
It also seems this topic was covered in a Minnesota Astronomical Society meeting in Nov 2011. ( One photo I love is which appeals to my inner penny pincher astronomer.
The best example of what I was shooting for, however, was from the Oak Grove Observatory website at ( ). Here are instructions for how to build an all-sky camera using webcam for about $30. Now we’re talking about some serious penny pinching. This camera fits into a piece of PVC pipe, a front-door viewer peeks out the top, and one USB cable trails out the bottom. It’s weather proof, rugged as heck, and if you can keep the USB run short, very penny-pinching.
Sadly, the camera he used, the Quickcam 4000 Pro is no longer available so cheaply. I found one for $40 used. And the follow on cameras aren’t as light sensitive. Oak Grove notes that the Quickcam 3000 and QC zoom will also work but you may have trouble with the drivers. These cameras can be found fairly cheaply on Amazon.
One key point I will emphasize is the need for a webcam with focusing threads. If the camera is a fixed-focus, you will not be able to adjust to get the image in focus. An auto-focus webcam will not work for this purpose.
Capture software is another post. I’m still working on this. It seems there are several dedicated meteor detection programs available, as well as motion detection and capture programs like SupervisionCam available for free.
So far I've had limited success. The resolution of the low end cameras is poor, and the light sensitivity is low, even those that have very low lux ratings. Also some are rated 0 lux, but assume you'll have some sort of infrared lighting.
I did succeed in modifying a 'dummy' security camera dome to take a camera. The plastic dome and base cost $4. I had to purchase a 50 foot extension camera cable, which cost $8 and had two wires, one with BNC ends and one for power. The power cable fit, but the BNC required an adapter, BNC to RCA. That was another $4.
Still experimenting. Photos to follow.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Why yes, I am on social media
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On Google+ I'm cmahar3
On Instagram I'm cmahar3
On Facebook I'm
On Google Picasa my photos are at
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On Google+ I'm cmahar3
On Instagram I'm cmahar3
CES 2013 Another Awesome Electronics Show
Went to CES 2013. Awesome show. Saw tons of neat gadgets, met friends & networked, ate way too much good food, picked up swag like nobody's business, and walked my legs off.
Some highlights: The Gibson tent was a hoot. Play guitar? Walk in, pick up an instrument and play as long as you like with nobody to bother you. I played guitars way more expensive than I can afford. Also met Felicia Day and got photos. Super cool.
Medical & Fitness tech is going on the consumer market, whether it's pulse rate while exercising, blood oxygen monitoring, pace & pedometer through bluetooth or listening to music and monitoring your vitals while swimming. We saw earbuds that monitored your pulse and blood oxygen, which is an excellent idea since you're likely wearing earbuds anyway while working out.
3D printing is going to change the world. This tech is still in infancy, but there are more and more companies doing it, and it's exciting as heck. For less than a PC cost just a few years ago, you can get a 3D printer that will print a part 6"x6"x11" out of cheap plastic wire like you load into your weed-eater. Think cheap plastic stuff is good now? Wait until all the innovators in the world can just wack out a model of anything they can think of.
Camera drones for the masses. For $300 you can get a stabilized helicopter drone with gps and a camera. What's not to love? At the show they demo these things by having 4 or 8 of them dance in the air to music, but the real demo is that they're stable, predictable and programmable. Awesome.
The really cool thing about CES is that each year we see incremental improvement in all the already existing products. TVs went from 320 scan lines to 525 to 720 to 1090 to 4096 and now, in the 8K TVs there are 8192 scan lines. It's magnificent. And the OLED televisions have such stunning contrast it's like you're looking at the real world. I don't even watch TV, and I'm impressed.
Another great show, bigger than ever. My only complaint: Not enough chairs. There need to be places for the show participants to sit down. It's so tiring, and you see people sitting on the floor everywhere just taking a break.
Some highlights: The Gibson tent was a hoot. Play guitar? Walk in, pick up an instrument and play as long as you like with nobody to bother you. I played guitars way more expensive than I can afford. Also met Felicia Day and got photos. Super cool.
Medical & Fitness tech is going on the consumer market, whether it's pulse rate while exercising, blood oxygen monitoring, pace & pedometer through bluetooth or listening to music and monitoring your vitals while swimming. We saw earbuds that monitored your pulse and blood oxygen, which is an excellent idea since you're likely wearing earbuds anyway while working out.
3D printing is going to change the world. This tech is still in infancy, but there are more and more companies doing it, and it's exciting as heck. For less than a PC cost just a few years ago, you can get a 3D printer that will print a part 6"x6"x11" out of cheap plastic wire like you load into your weed-eater. Think cheap plastic stuff is good now? Wait until all the innovators in the world can just wack out a model of anything they can think of.
Camera drones for the masses. For $300 you can get a stabilized helicopter drone with gps and a camera. What's not to love? At the show they demo these things by having 4 or 8 of them dance in the air to music, but the real demo is that they're stable, predictable and programmable. Awesome.
The really cool thing about CES is that each year we see incremental improvement in all the already existing products. TVs went from 320 scan lines to 525 to 720 to 1090 to 4096 and now, in the 8K TVs there are 8192 scan lines. It's magnificent. And the OLED televisions have such stunning contrast it's like you're looking at the real world. I don't even watch TV, and I'm impressed.
Another great show, bigger than ever. My only complaint: Not enough chairs. There need to be places for the show participants to sit down. It's so tiring, and you see people sitting on the floor everywhere just taking a break.
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