However the more I read about E-CAT and Andrea Rossi, the more I suspect a masterfully well-crafted hoax.
Top Ten Signs of a cold fusion hoax:
- It’s too good to be true.
- Operates on no known laws of science, but violates several.
- There’s a secret ingredient that can’t be publicly released because of a government plot, rule or conspiracy.
- Unlimited power from common ingredients with no toxic waste. Carbon free!
- Discovery made in some backwards country where they speak some devil’s tongue or squiggle language.
- Confirmed in some other third-world country that has yet to adopt indoor plumbing.
- We’re building a test plant in still a third third-world country. Wow. Greece. Nice.
- The main ingredient appears to be hype.
- “..but that’s not all! A byproduct of our reaction is metallic copper” which just happens to cost nearly as much as gold used to. Alchemy works. Just ask us.
- Touted with religious fervor by your favorite conspiracy-theorist friend. That’s a dead give-away hoax right there.
When I can buy a cold fusion box at Wal-Mart or Home Depot, hook it up to my house and cast off the power company’s wires, I’ll cheerfully, gleefully, happily eat my words.